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1. duality是指两种截然不同的事物或概念同时存在的状态。在哲学和数学领域,duality通常指两个相反的概念或实体之间的关系,如黑白、男女、阴阳等。在日常生活中,我们也经常会遇到这种对立的双重性。

2. duality的用法:作为名词,duality可以表示“双重性”、“对立”、“二元性”等含义。它可以用来描述事物或概念之间的对立关系,也可以用来指代某个事物本身具有的双重性质。

3. duality的例句:

(1) The duality of good and evil is a constant theme in literature.


(2) The concept of yin and yang embodies the duality of nature.


(3) The duality of human nature is a complex and fascinating ic.


(4) The artist's work explores the duality between reality and fantasy.


(5) The duality of his personality made it difficult for others to understand him.





1. The duality of love and hate is a common theme in literature.


2. The duality of light and darkness is a fundamental concept in photography.


3. The duality of mind and body has been debated by philosophers for centuries.


4. The duality of tradition and modernity is evident in this city's architecture.


5. The duality of work and play is important for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.



1. dualistic (adj.) 双重的,二元的

2. dually (adv.) 以双重方式,以二元性

3. dualism (n.) 二元论,对立性

4. dualize (v.) 使成为双重,使具有二元性

5. nondual (adj.) 非二元的,非对立的


1. duality 是什么意思?- What does duality mean?

2. duality 的用法 - The usage of duality.

3. 例句 - Examples.

4. 双重性是这部小说中一个重要的主题。- Duality is an important theme in this novel.

5. 这幅画展现了光与暗之间的二元性。- This painting depicts the duality between light and darkness.



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