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1. divergent是一个形容词,意为“分歧的,不同的,相异的”。:The two theories are divergent and cannot be reconciled. (这两个理论有分歧,无法调和。)

2. divergent的读音为/dɪˈvɜːrdʒənt/。

3. divergent可以用作名词,意为“分歧者”。:The meeting was attended by many divergents who expressed their opinions on the issue.(上出席了许多分歧者,他们就这个问题表达了自己的观点。)

4. 以下是divergent在句子中的用法和例句:

例句1:Their opinions are completely divergent, they can never agree on anything.


例句2:The two artists have divergent styles, one is abstract and the other is realistic.


例句3:The company's profits have been on a divergent trend in the past few years.


例句4:Their paths diverged after college, one became a lawyer and the other a doctor.


例句5:The divergent views of the two parties led to a stalemate in the negotiations.


5. 以下是divergent的一些相关词汇:

- divergence:名词,意为“分歧,背离”。

- diverge:动词,意为“分歧,背离”。

- divergently:副词,意为“分歧地,背离地”。

- divergency:名词,意为“分歧性,背离性”。


1. divergent是一个形容词,意为“分歧的,不同的,相异的”。:The two theories are divergent and cannot be reconciled. (这两个理论有分歧,无法调和。)

2. divergent的读音为/dɪˈvɜːrdʒənt/。

3. divergent可以用作名词,意为“分歧者”。:The meeting was attended by many divergents who expressed their opinions on the issue.(上出席了许多分歧者,他们就这个问题表达了自己的观点。)

4. 以下是divergent在句子中的用法和例句:

例句1:Their opinions are completely divergent, they can never agree on anything.


例句2:The two artists have divergent styles, one is abstract and the other is realistic.


例句3:The company's profits have been on a divergent trend in the past few years.


例句4:Their paths diverged after college, one became a lawyer and the other a doctor.


例句5:The divergent views of the two parties led to a stalemate in the negotiations.


5. 以下是divergent的一些相关词汇:

- divergence:名词,意为“分歧,背离”。

- diverge:动词,意为“分歧,背离”。

- divergently:副词,意为“分歧地,背离地”。

- divergency:名词,意为“分歧性,背离性”。


1. divergence:名词,“分歧、背离”

2. diverge:动词,“分歧、背离”

3. divergently:副词,“分歧地、背离地”

4. divergency:名词,“分歧性、背离性”

5. divergent thinking:名词短语,“分歧思维”,指不拘泥于传统思维模式,寻找新颖的解决方案的能力。

6. divergent evolution:名词短语,“分歧进化”,指物种在生物进化过程中产生差异,最终形成不同的物种。

7. divergent plate boundary:名词短语,“分歧板块”,指地球表面上两个板块移动方向相反的。

8. divergent series:名词短语,“发散级数”,指无限项数相加所得到的和无限趋近于无穷大或无穷小的数列。

9. convergent and divergent thinking:名词短语,“收敛与发散思维”,指通过收集信息和创造性思考来解决问题的过程。







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