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kidney disease是什么意思

一:kidney disease是什么意思的意思

kidney disease是指肾脏出现结构或功能上的异常,导致肾脏无法正常工作,从而影响身体的代谢和排泄功能。

kidney disease是什么意思


[kɪd.ni dɪˈziːz]


kidney disease是一个名词短语,可用作主语或宾语,常见搭配有chronic kidney disease(慢性肾病)、acute kidney disease(急性肾病)等。


1. He was diagnosed with kidney disease at a young age and has been on dialysis for the past five years.(他在年轻时被诊断出患有肾脏疾病,过去五年一直在接受透析治疗。)

2. The main symptoms of kidney disease include high blood pressure, swelling, and changes in urine output.(肾脏疾病的主要症状包括高血压、水肿以及尿量变化。)

3. If left untreated, kidney disease can lead to serious complications such as kidney failure.(如果不加治疗,肾脏疾病可能会导致严重的并发症,如肾衰竭。)

4. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help prevent kidney disease.(健康的饮食和定期运动可以帮助预防肾脏疾病。)

5. The doctor recommended a kidney transplant for the patient with end-stage kidney disease.(医生建议对患有末期肾脏疾病的患者进行肾移植手术。)


1. renal disease:与kidney disease意思相同,常用于医学领域。

2. nephropathy:指任何影响肾脏功能的疾病。

3. kidney disorder:指肾脏结构或功能上的异常,与kidney disease意思相近。

4. kidney failure:指肾脏无法正常工作,通常是由于其他肾脏疾病导致。

5. chronic renal insufficiency:慢性肾功能不全,是一种慢性肾脏疾病。


kidney disease是指肾脏出现结构或功能上的异常,导致身体代谢和排泄功能受到影响。它可分为急性和慢性两种类型,严重情况下可能导致肾衰竭。预防措施包括健康的饮食和定期运动。同义词有renal disease、nephropathy等。


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