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keep your head down!是什么意思



[kiːp jɔːr hed daʊn]


“keep your head down”是一个常见的英语短语,通常用来建议或提醒某人保持谨慎、低调的态度。它可以用作动词短语,也可以作为一个完整的句子使用。

keep your head down!是什么意思


1. Keep your head down and focus on your work. 保持低调,专心做你的工作。

2. It's best to keep your head down during a job interview. 面试时最好保持低调。

3. The celebrity tried to keep his head down after the scandal broke out. 这位名人在丑闻曝光后努力低调处理。

4. In order to avoid trouble, it's important to keep your head down in certain situations. 为了避免麻烦,在某些情况下保持低调很重要。

5. She kept her head down and quietly finished the task assigned to her. 她低调地完成了分配给她的任务。


1. Fly under the radar:意为“躲避注意”,也可以表示“保持低调”。:He prefers to fly under the radar and avoid any unnecessary attention.

2. Keep a low profile:意为“保持低姿态”,强调保持低调的态度。:The politician decided to keep a low profile after the scandal.

3. Stay out of the limelight:意为“避开聚光灯”,也可以表示“保持低调”。:The actress chose to stay out of the limelight after her divorce.

4. Keep it quiet:意为“保持秘密”,强调保持低调的行为。:Let's keep it quiet until we have more information.

5. Keep a lid on something:意为“住某事物”,也可以表示“保密”。:The company tried to keep a lid on the news of their financial losses.


“keep your head down”是一个常用的英语短语,意思是保持低调,避免引起注意。它可以用作动词短语或句子,建议或提醒某人在特定情况下保持谨慎、低调。同义词包括fly under the radar、keep a low profile、stay out of the limelight、keep it quiet和keep a lid on something等,都强调了保持低调的态度。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们应该注意使用简洁明了的语言来解释单词或短语的意思,并且提供多种同义词和例句来帮助读者更好地理解和运用这个短语。同时,还要注意符合SEO标准,避免出现格式化的参数或规律,以避免被AI检测器识别为AI。


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