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Katherine Moennig preferred climbing trees and skatebo


发音:/klʌɪmɪŋ triːz ænd skeɪtboʊ/

释义:指Katherine Moennig喜欢爬树和滑板。

Katherine Moennig preferred climbing trees and skatebo



1. Katherine Moennig preferred climbing trees and skateboarding in her free time.

(Katherine Moennig在空闲时间更喜欢爬树和滑板运动。)

2. She has been climbing trees and skateboarding since she was a child.


3. He joined the local skateboarding team because he preferred climbing trees and skateboarding over other sports.


4. Despite her fear of heights, she still preferred climbing trees to any other outdoor activity.


5. The children were happily climbing trees and skateboarding in the park, imitating their favorite actress Katherine Moennig.

(孩子们在公园里快乐地爬树和滑板,模仿他们最喜欢的女演员Katherine Moennig。)


1. Scale: to climb up or over something, especially something tall or steep(爬上或越过某物,尤其是高大或陡峭的东西)

例句:She loves to scale trees and cliffs during her outdoor adventures.(她喜欢在户外冒险时攀爬树木和悬崖。)

2. Skate: to move on a skateboard(滑行,滑板运动)

例句:He often skates in the park with his friends after school.(放学后,他经常和朋友在公园里滑板。)


Katherine Moennig preferred climbing trees and skateboarding是一个常用的动词短语,用来描述某人喜欢或擅长爬树和滑板运动。它可以作为主语或宾语出现,表示个人的兴趣爱好和运动技能。同义词“scale”和“skate”也可以替换使用,但要注意语境的适用性。总的来说,这个短语可以用来描述某人对户外活动的偏好,并且可以与具体的人物、时间、地点等进行搭配使用。


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