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Japan has begun offering HDTV on a limited basis, and


Japan has begun offering HDTV on a limited basis, and

Japan has started providing high-definition television (HDTV) services on a restricted scale, and this service is currently only available in certain areas.


/jəˈpæn hæz bɪˈɡʌn ˈɔfərɪŋ ˈeɪtʃdiːtiːvi/


"Japan has begun offering HDTV on a limited basis" is a statement that indicates the start of HDTV services in Japan, but with certain limitations. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as news articles, advertisements, or conversations.


1. Japan has begun offering HDTV on a limited basis in Tokyo and Osaka.


2. As part of its digitalization efforts, Japan has begun offering HDTV on a limited basis.


3. Customers in selected cities can now enjoy the crystal-clear images of HDTV as Japan has begun offering it on a limited basis.


4. The launch of HDTV by Japan has begun on a limited basis, but it is expected to expand to more areas soon.


5. With the increasing demand for high-quality viewing experience, Japan has finally begun offering HDTV on a limited basis.



1. Limited - restricted, confined, finite

Japan has started providing HDTV on a restricted basis.

2. Basis - scope, extent, range

Japan has begun offering HDTV within a limited scope.

3. High-definition television - HDTV, high-res TV, high-def TV

Japan has started offering high-res TV services in certain areas.

4. Begin - start, initiate, launch

Japan has initiated the provision of HDTV on a limited basis.

5. Only available in certain areas - restricted to specific regions, limited to certain places

HDTV services are currently only available in specific regions in Japan.


In summary, Japan has recently launched its HDTV services with limitations in certain areas. This phrase can be used to inform or advertise the availability of HDTV in Japan and can be paired with various synonyms to add variety and avoid repetition. As technology continues to advance and demand for high-quality viewing experience increases, it is expected that Japan will expand its HDTV services to more areas in the future.


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