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意思:ITT是英文缩写,全称为Institute of Technology and Telecommunications,意为技术与电信学院。

怎么读:[aɪ ti ti],音标为/ˌaɪ ti ˈti/



例句1:I graduated from ITT with a degree in computer science.(我从ITT毕业,获得了计算机科学学位。)

例句2:The ITT team was responsible for setting up the communication system for the military base.(ITT团队负责为基地建立通信。)

例句3:The ITT program offers hands-on training in various technical fields.(ITT项目提供各种技术领域的实践培训。)

例句4:She is studying at ITT to become a telecommunications engineer.(她正在ITT学习,想成为一名电信工程师。)

例句5:The ITT campus is known for its state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge research in technology.(ITT校园以其先进的设施和尖端的技术研究而闻名。)

同义词及用法:ITTC(Institute of Technology and Telecommunications College)也是类似意义的缩写,可以用来指代同样类型的学院或教育。

编辑总结:ITT作为Institute of Technology and Telecommunications的缩写,通常用作大学或学院的名称,指的是专门培养技术和电信相关领域人才的教育。在中也有使用ITT作为信息技术团队的缩写。同义词ITTC也可以用来指代类似意义的教育。


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