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It takes one month to make this aborative design, I am




It [ɪt]

It takes one month to make this aborative design, I am

takes [teɪks]

one [wʌn]

month [mʌnθ]

to [tuː]

make [meɪk]

this [ðɪs]

aborative [ə'bɔːrətɪv]

design [dɪ'zaɪn]

I am ['aɪ 'æm]


It takes one month to make this aborative design, I am 是一个句子,表示制作这个复杂的设计需要一个月的时间。"It" 在这里指代具体的事物或情况,"takes" 是动词,表示花费时间或精力去做某事,"one month" 表示一段时间,"to make" 是不定式短语,表示做某事的目的或结果,"this aborative design" 指代具体的设计, "I am" 表示作者本人。


1. It takes one month to make this aborative design, I am confident that it will be worth the time and effort. (制作这个复杂的设计需要一个月时间,我相信它值得我们花费时间和精力。)

2. The team is working tirelessly to complete this project, it takes one month to make this aborative design, I am proud to be a part of such a dedicated group. (团队正在不懈努力地完成这个项目,制作这个复杂的设计需要一个月时间,我为能成为如此敬业的团队的一员感到自豪。)

3. It takes one month to make this aborative design, I am excited to see the final result and share it with the world. (制作这个复杂的设计需要一个月时间,我很兴奋地期待最终的结果,并与世界分享。)

4. As a designer, I understand that it takes time and patience to create something truly remarkable, it takes one month to make this aborative design, I am dedicated to perfecting every detail. (作为一名设计师,我知道创造出令人惊叹的作品需要时间和耐心,制作这个复杂的设计需要一个月时间,我致力于完善每一个细节。)

5. It takes one month to make this aborative design, but the satisfaction of seeing the end result is indescribable, I am grateful for the opportunity to bring this design to life. (制作这个复杂的设计需要一个月时间,但看到最终结果带来的满足感是无法言表的,我很感激有机会将这个设计变成现实。)


1. elaborate:adj. 精心制作的;详尽阐述的;v. 详细说明

例句:It takes one month to create this elaborate design, I am confident that it will exceed all expectations.


2. intricate:adj. 复杂的;错综复杂的

例句:It takes one month to make this intricate design, I am dedicated to perfecting every detail.


3. sophisticated:adj. 复杂精密的;老练的;高雅的

例句:It takes one month to create this sophisticated design, I am excited to see the final result and share it with the world.



It takes one month to make this aborative design, I am 是一句简短却意义深远的话语,它着设计师们为了创造出令人惊叹的作品所付出的努力和耐心。这个句子也提醒我们,有时候我们需要花费更多的时间和精力来追求完美,但最终的成果将是令人满意和值得骄傲的。作为一名网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们要准确理解并传达这个句子所表达的含义,并用简洁明了、易于理解的语言来解释它。同时,我们也要注意使用同义词来丰富句子表达,让读者更加容易理解和接受。总的来说,这个句子提醒我们要珍惜时间,并努力追求卓越。


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