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involve with是什麼意思


怎么读:[ɪnˈvɑlv wɪθ]

用法:involve with是一个动词短语,表示“与...有关;参与;涉及”。通常用来描述一个人或者事物与某个活动、或者人群有密切的。

involve with是什麼意思

例句1:She is deeply involved with the local community and has been volunteering for many years.(她与当地社区有着密切的,并且已经志愿服务多年。)

例句2:The company's success involves with the hard work and dedication of all its employees.(公司的成功离不开所有员工的辛勤工作和奉献。)

例句3:As a teacher, it is important to involve with your students' learning process and provide guidance when needed.(作为一名老师,重要的是要参与学生的学习过程,并在需要时提供指导。)

例句4:The investigation involves with several suspects, but so far no one has been charged.(调查涉及几名嫌疑人,但目前还没有人被。)

例句5:Parents should be more involved with their children's education to ensure their academic success.(家长应该更多地参与孩子的教育,以确保他们的学业成功。)


1. Engage in: 参加;从事

2. Be associated with: 与...有关;与...相连

3. Be connected with: 与...有

4. Be linked with: 与...有关联

5. Be involved in: 参与;涉及


involve with是一个常用的动词短语,表示“与...有关;参与;涉及”。它可以用来描述一个人或者事物与某个活动、或者人群有密切的。在写作时,可以根据具体的语境选择合适的同义词来替换,以丰富句子表达。同时,也可以通过变换句式和结构,来提高文章的可读性和吸引力。总之,involve with是一个非常实用的词组,在日常生活和学习中都能得到广泛的应用。


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