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internal multimedia network in-frastructure是什麼意思

一:internal mulia network in-frastructure是指内部的多媒体网络基础设施,是指建立在组织内部的支持多媒体传输和交换的网络基础设施。

internal multimedia network in-frastructure是什麼意思

二:[ɪnˈtəːnl ˌmʌltiˈmiːdiə ˈnetwɜːk ɪnfrəstrʌktʃə],其中in-frastructure读作[ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə]。

三:internal mulia network in-frastructure可用于描述一个组织内部的多媒体网络基础设施,它可以包括网络设备、软件、协议、标准等。这些基础设施可以支持内部员工之间的多媒体通信和协作,也可以提供对外服务,如视频、远程培训等。

四:1. Our company has invested a lot in building an advanced internal mulia network infrastructure to facilitate communication and collaboration among employees.(我们公司在建立先进的内部多媒体网络基础设施方面投入了大量资源,以促进员工之间的沟通和协作。)

2. The internal mulia network infrastructure allows us to conduct virtual meetings with our global partners without any technical difficulties.(内部多媒体网络基础设施使我们能够与全球合作伙伴进行虚拟,而无需面对任何技术困难。)

3. The company's internal mulia network infrastructure is constantly being upgraded to meet the growing demand for remote work and online collaboration.(公司的内部多媒体网络基础设施正在不断升级,以满足对远程工作和在线协作的日益增长的需求。)

4. With the help of our internal mulia network infrastructure, we are able to share large files and videos with our clients and partners seamlessly.(借助我们的内部多媒体网络基础设施,我们能够与客户和合作伙伴无缝地共享大型文件和视频。)

5. The internal mulia network infrastructure has greatly improved the efficiency of our company's communication and collaboration, leading to increased productivity and better results.(内部多媒体网络基础设施极大地提高了公司的沟通和协作效率,从而导致生产力的提升和更好的成果。)

五:同义词可包括internal mulia network, internal media network, internal audiovisual network等,用法类似。

六:总之,internal mulia network in-frastructure是指组织内部建立的支持多媒体传输和交换的网络基础设施,它可以促进员工之间的沟通和协作,并提供对外服务。通过不断升级和完善这一基础设施,可以极大地提高公司的效率和生产力。


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