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instead [ɪnˈsted]


1. 作为副词,instead可以放在句子中任何需要强调的位置,通常放在句首或句尾。:

- Instead, she decided to stay home and relax. (相反地,她决定留在家里放松。)

- I wanted to go out, but instead I stayed in and watched a movie. (我本来想出去,但最终还是呆在家里看电影了。)

2. instead也可以用来连接两个句子,表示前一件事情被后一件事情替代。:

- She wanted to buy a new dress, but instead she spent all her money on shoes. (她本来想买件新裙子,但最终花光了所有钱买了鞋子。)

3. 另外,instead还可以和介词of连用,表示“取代;替换”。:

- She ate an apple instead of a cookie for dessert. (她吃了苹果而不是饼干作为甜点。)


1. Instead of going to the party, I decided to stay home and read a book.


2. She wanted to buy a new car, but instead she decided to save money and buy a used one.


3. Instead of taking the bus, I prefer to walk to work.


4. He was supposed to clean his room, but instead he went out with his friends.


5. I wanted to cook dinner, but instead my husband surprised me by cooking for me.



1. alternatively:表示“作为另一种选择;或者”。:Alternatively, you can take the train instead of driving.


2. on the other hand:表示“另一方面;相反地”。:I wanted to go shopping, but on the other hand I needed to save money.


3. rather than:表示“而不是;与其说……倒不如说……”。:She chose to study rather than go out with her friends.


4. in place of:表示“代替;取代”。:In place of buying a new phone, I decided to get my old one fixed.



instead是一个常用的副词,表示“作为替代;反而;代替原本的事物”。它可以放在句子中任何需要强调的位置,也可以用来连接两个句子。除了表示“代替”的意思外,它还可以和介词of连用,表示“取代;替换”。同义词包括alternatively、on the other hand、rather than和in place of。使用时需要注意上下文语境,避免歧义。


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