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1,decorate是指为某物添加装饰或装饰品,使其更加美观或吸引人的过程。:She loves to decorate her house with colorful flowers and paintings.(她喜欢用五彩缤纷的花朵和画作来装饰她的房子。)

2,decorate也可以指为某人或某物增添荣誉、称号、勋章等。:The soldier was decorated for his bravery in battle.(这位士因在战斗中表现出色而受到了勋章的授予。)

3,decorate也可以指为某物增添特定风格或主题。:The restaurant was decorated in a traditional Chinese style.(这家餐厅采用传统的风格来装饰。)

4,decorate还可以指为某物增添功能或便利性。:The room was decorated with shelves and storage units for better organization.(房间里摆放了书架和储物柜,以便更好地整理物品。)

5,decorate也可以指通过使用艺术技巧来改变或提升某物的外观。:The cake was beautifully decorated with frosting and edible flowers.(蛋糕上涂满了美味的霜和可食用花朵来进行精美的装饰。)


decorate的读音为 /ˈdekəreɪt/,重音在第二个音节上。它的意思是为某物添加装饰或装饰品,使其更加美观或吸引人。:The Christmas tree was beautifully decorated with lights and ornaments.(圣诞树上挂满了灯和装饰品,非常美观。)


1)She plans to decorate her room with posters and photographs.(她计划用海报和照片来装饰她的房间。)

2)The bride looked stunning in her beautifully decorated wedding dress.(新娘穿着精美装饰的婚纱,看起来非常迷人。)

3)The students decorated the classroom with colorful balloons for the school party.(学生们为学校聚会用五彩缤纷的气球来装饰教室。)

4)The restaurant was decorated with red lanterns for the Chinese New Year celebration.(这家餐厅为庆祝新年而挂满了红灯笼。)

5)I like to decorate my cakes with frosting and fresh fruits.(我喜欢用霜和新鲜水果来装饰我的蛋糕。)


1)decorate with:使用某物来装饰(:decorate with flowers)

2)decorate for:为某事或某人而增添荣誉或装饰(:decorate for bravery)

3)decorate in:在某种风格或主题下进行装饰(:decorate in a modern style)

4)decorate on/upon:在某物上进行装饰(:decorate on a cake)

5)over-decorate:过度装饰(:The room was over-decorated with too many ornaments.)


1)She loves to decorate her house with colorful flowers and paintings. 她喜欢用五彩缤纷的花朵和画作来装饰她的房子。

2)The soldier was decorated for his bravery in battle. 这位士因在战斗中表现出色而受到了勋章的授予。

3)The restaurant was decorated in a traditional Chinese style. 这家餐厅采用传统的风格来装饰。

4)The room was decorated with shelves and storage units for better organization. 房间里摆放了书架和储物柜,以便更好地整理物品。

5)The cake was beautifully decorated with frosting and edible flowers. 蛋糕上涂满了美味的霜和可食用花朵来进行精美的装饰。



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