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Heat Shield的英文简称是HS


怎么读(音标):[hiːt ʃiːld]


Heat Shield的英文简称是HS

例句1:The heat shield on the spacecraft successfully protected it from the extreme heat during re-entry.(航天器上的热屏成功地保护它在再入大气层时免受极端高温的影响。)

例句2:The heat shield is made of a special material that can withstand temperatures up to 3000 degrees Celsius.(这种热屏采用特殊材料制成,能够承受高达3000摄氏度的温度。)

例句3:The new heat shield design has greatly improved the safety and reliability of the rocket launch.(新设计的热屏大大提高了火箭发射的安全性和可靠性。)

例句4:The car's engine was damaged due to the lack of a heat shield, which caused it to overheat.(汽车缺少热屏,导致发动机损坏,从而过热。)

例句5:The heat shield was coated with a special material to enhance its thermal insulation properties.(热屏表面涂覆了特殊材料,提高其隔热性能。)

同义词及用法:thermal shield(热屏)、heat insulation(隔热)、heat protection(防热保护)

编辑总结:Heat Shield的英文简称HS是指一种用来防止高温损伤的保护层,通常由耐高温材料制成,可以在航天器、火箭、导弹等高温环境中使用。它可以有效地隔离高温,保护内部设备不受损坏。除了航天领域外,热屏也可以应用于其他需要保护的高温部件。同义词包括thermal shield、heat insulation和heat protection。


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