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He often flies Northwest Airlines.是什么意思

He often flies Northwest Airlines. 是指某人经常乘坐西北航空公司的航班。

He often flies Northwest Airlines.是什么意思


[hiː ˈɒfən flaɪz ˈnɔːθˌwɛst ˈeəlaɪnz]


“flie”是动词,意为“飞行”,“Northwest Airlines”是一个专有名词,指代西北航空公司。该句子中的主语“He”指代某个人,是第三人称单数形式。


1. He often flies Northwest Airlines for his business trips. 他经常乘坐西北航空公司的航班出差。

2. She prefers to fly with Northwest Airlines for its excellent service. 她更喜欢乘坐西北航空公司的航班,因为它的服务很出色。

3. They have been loyal customers of Northwest Airlines for many years. 他们多年来一直是西北航空公司的忠实客户。

4. We booked our tickets with Northwest Airlines because of their competitive prices. 我们选择了西北航空公司预订机票,因为它们价格具有竞争力。

5. The flight was delayed, but the staff at Northwest Airlines handled it professionally and efficiently. 航班延误了,但西北航空公司的员工专业高效地处理了这个问题。


1. He frequently takes flights with Northwest Airlines. 他频繁乘坐西北航空公司的航班。

2. He regularly travels with Northwest Airlines. 他定期与西北航空公司出行。

3. He commonly flies Northwest Airlines for his trips. 他通常乘坐西北航空公司的航班旅行。

4. He constantly uses Northwest Airlines for his air travels. 他经常使用西北航空公司进行飞行旅行。

5. He always chooses to fly with Northwest Airlines. 他总是选择乘坐西北航空公司的航班。


“He often flies Northwest Airlines.” 是一个简单的句子,意为某人经常乘坐西北航空公司的航班。其中,“flies”是动词,指代飞行;“Northwest Airlines”是一个专有名词,指代西北航空公司;“often”表示频率副词,表明某人经常做某事。同义词可以用来替换原句中的“often”,但都要保持句子结构和语法正确。总的来说,该句子简洁明了地表达了某人对于乘坐西北航空公司的偏好和频率。


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