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1. 作为名词时,hang-out通常用来指一个人或一群人经常光顾的地方。它可以用来指餐厅、咖啡馆、酒吧等休闲场所,也可以指某个特定的角落或区域。:

- The café down the street is my favorite hang-out spot.


- The park is a popular hang-out for teenagers.


2. 作为动词时,hang-out通常用来指在某个地方闲逛或消磨时间。它也可以表示与朋友聚在一起放松或社交活动。:

- We like to hang out at the beach on weekends.


- Let's hang out at my place tonight and watch a movie.



1. We used to have a favorite hang-out spot in high school, but now everyone has moved away.


2. The local bar is a popular hang-out for the older crowd in our neighborhood.


3. I don't have any plans tonight, so I think I'll just hang out at home and watch TV.


4. My friends and I used to hang out at the mall every weekend when we were teenagers.


5. After a long day at work, I like to hang out with my coworkers for a drink or two.



1. Hang around:意为“徘徊;闲逛”。与hang-out作为动词时的用法相似,但它更强调停留或逗留在某个地方,并不一定会做什么具体的活动。

例句:We hung around the park for a while before heading home.


2. Chill (out):意为“放松;休息”。它可以用来指放松身心或者消磨时间,与hang-out作为动词时的用法相似。

例句:Let's just chill out at home tonight and order some pizza.


3. Meet up:意为“见面;聚会”。它可以用来指与朋友或者约会对象见面,与hang-out作为动词时的用法类似。

例句:We're planning to meet up at the new café downtown this weekend.



hang-out作为一个常用的名词和动词,在口语中非常常见。它可以用来指某个地方作为常去的地方,也可以表示闲逛或消磨时间。同义词包括hang around、chill (out)和meet up,它们都有着类似的意思,但在使用时略有不同。在撰写英文文章时,建议使用hang-out这个单词来丰富表达方式,并注意上下文搭配使用以保持语言流畅性。


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