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1. contents的意思是指一本书、文件或其他资料中所包含的内容,也可以指某个容器内部所装载的东西。

2. contents的读音为/kənˈtɛnts/,读作“康-特恩-茨”,重音在第二个音节。

3. contents的用例:

例句1:The contents of this book are very informative and well-researched.


例句2:Please check the contents of your bag before leaving the airport.


例句3:The contents of this box are fragile, so handle with care.


例句4:The website's contents are constantly updated to provide the latest information to its users.


例句5:The contents of the package were a complete surprise to me.


4. contents可以组成以下词汇:

- contentment (n.) 满足,满意

- discontent (n.) 不满,不满足

- contented (adj.) 满意的,满足的

- discontented (adj.) 不满意的,不满足的

5. contents在中文中可以翻译为“内容”,可以用作名词或动词。:

- The contents of the letter were confidential. (这封信的内容是机密的。)

- She carefully contents the ingredients to make a delicious dish. (她仔细地混合食材,做出了一道美味的菜肴。)

6. 总结:contents是指一本书、文件或其他资料中所包含的内容,也可以指某个容器内部所装载的东西。它可以用作名词或动词,读音为/kənˈtɛnts/,重音在第二个音节。它可以组成其他相关词汇,如contentment, discontent, contented, discontented等。在中文中可以翻译为“内容”。


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