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Going Home是什么意思

意思:Going Home是一个短语,意为返回家中,回家,离开某地返回家乡或住所的意思。

怎么读(音标):[ˈɡoʊɪŋ həʊm]

用法:Going Home通常用作动词短语,表示某人正在回家的过程中。也可以作为名词短语,指某人即将回家或已经回到家中。

Going Home是什么意思


1. I'm going home after work.(下班后我要回家。)

2. Are you going home for the holidays?(你要回家过节吗?)

3. The children were excitedly going home for summer vacation.(孩子们兴奋地要回家度暑假了。)

4. We're going home tomorrow morning.(我们明天早上就要回家了。)

5. After a long day of sightseeing, we were all looking forward to going home and resting.(经过一整天的观光,我们都期待着能够回家休息。)


1. Return home:意为返回或归还到自己的住所或故乡。

例句:I can't wait to return home and see my family.

2. Head back:意为返回某个地方。

例句:It's getting late, let's head back home.

3. Go back to one's place:意为返回某人的住所。

例句:I'm tired, I just want to go back to my place and relax.

4. Make one's way home:意为返回家中。

例句:After the party, everyone made their way home.

5. Homeward bound:意为朝着家的方向前进。

例句:The tired travelers were homeward bound after a long journey.


Going Home是一个常用的动词短语,表示某人正在回家的过程中或即将回到家中。它也可以作为名词短语,指某人即将回家或已经回到家中。同义词包括return home、head back、go back to one's place、make one's way home和homeward bound。使用时需要注意上下文,以避免歧义。


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