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gofar的音标为 /ɡoʊˈfɑːr/。


1. 作为动词,gofar可以用来描述某人或某物在运动过程中走得远、走得快或者做得多。:

- He can go far in this race. (他能在这场比赛中跑得很远。)

- She has always been able to go far in her career. (她一直能在职业生涯中取得很大的成就。)

2. 作为形容词,gofar可以用来形容某人具有出色的表现,尤其是在距离、速度或数量方面。:

- The new car can go far on a single tank of gas. (这辆新车一箱油可以跑很远。)

- He is a gofar runner and can finish a marathon in under three hours. (他是个跑步能力非常强的人,可以在三小时内完赛马拉松。)


1. She always encourages her children to go far in their studies. (她总是鼓励孩子们在学业上走得更远。)

2. The company's goal is to go far and become a leader in the industry. (公司的目标是走得更远,在行业中成为领者。)

3. The young athlete has the potential to go far in his career as a professional basketball player. (这位年轻的运动员有潜力在职业篮球运动员的道路上走得很远。)

4. With determination and hard work, she was able to go far and achieve her dream of becoming a doctor. (凭借决心和努力,她能够走得很远,实现成为医生的梦想。)

5. The new technology has helped the company go far beyond its compes in terms of production efficiency. (新技术帮助公司在生产效率方面走得比竞争对手更远。)


1. Go the distance: 走得更远,通常指克服困难或挑战来达到目标。

例句:With hard work and perseverance, he was able to go the distance and win the championship.

2. Excel: 出色表现,通常指在某一领域或方面表现出色。

例句:She excels in math and science, but struggles with languages.

3. Outdo: 超越,通常指在某一方面做得比其他人更好。

例句:The new product has outdone its compes in terms of quality and price.

4. Surpass: 超过,通常指在数量、质量或能力方面超过某人或某物。

例句:Her grades surpassed everyone's expectations and she was accepted into a university.

5. Exceed: 超出,通常指超出某个限制或标准。

例句:The company's profits exceeded their projections for the year.




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