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1. connecting的意思是连接,指两个或多个事物之间建立起来的关联或。它可以表示物理上的连接,也可以表示抽象上的。

2. connecting的读音为kəˈnektɪŋ,读作[kuh-nek-ting]。

3. connecting的用例:

(1)The bridge is connecting the two sides of the river.


(2)The internet is connecting people all over the world.


(3)The teacher used a connecting word to link the two sentences.


(4)The subway system in this city is well-connected, making it easy to travel around.


(5)I feel a strong connection with my hometown, even though I have been living in the city for years.


4. connecting的组词:

- connection (n.) 连接;关系

- connective (adj.) 连接的;连结性的

- connector (n.) 连接器;连接件

- interconnected (adj.) 相互连接的

- disconnection (n.) 断开;分离

5. connecting的中英文对照:


英文:connection; link

6. 总结:



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