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1.cursed是指被诅咒的,受到不幸或厄运的。常用作形容词,也可作动词。例句:The cursed land was barren and desolate. (那片被诅咒的土地荒芜不毛。)


3.cursed作为形容词时,常用来形容人或事物受到诅咒、不幸或厄运的状态。:The cursed princess was trapped in the tower for years.(那位被诅咒的公主被困在塔里多年。)Cursed with bad luck, he lost all his money in the stock market.(他命运多舛,股市亏损一空。)Cursed by the gods, the city was destroyed by a flood.(受神明诅咒,这座城市被洪水摧毁了。)

4.作为动词时,cursed意为“咒骂、谩骂”。:He cursed at the driver who cut him off in traffic.(他对在交通中抢道的司机大声谩骂。)She cursed her bad luck when she missed the train.(她错过火车后痛骂自己倒霉。)

5.cursed也可用来表示强烈的厌恶或愤怒。:I cursed the rain that ruined my plans for the day.(我对毁了我一天计划的雨水大声咒骂。)The villagers cursed the cruel king who taxed them heavily.(村民们痛骂那个苛捐杂税的暴君。)

6.cursed的相关词汇有:curse(名词,诅咒),cursing(动词,咒骂),cursory(形容词,草率的),curse word(脏话),curse of (something)(某事物的厄运)等。



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