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free [friː]



1. 作形容词时:

a. 表示“自由的”、“不受限制的”,:

- The birds were flying freely in the sky.

- Everyone has the right to live freely and pursue happiness.

b. 表示“免费的”,:

- This event is free for all participants.

- You can download this app for free from the App Store.

c. 表示“空闲的”,:

- I have a few hours free this afternoon, let's go for a walk.

- She is finally free after years of hard work.

2. 作副词时:

a. 表示“自由地”、“无拘束地”,:

- The children were playing freely in the park.

- She danced freely to the music.

b. 表示“充分地”,:

- You are free to use any materials you need for your project.

- Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.

3. 作动词时:

a. 表示“释放”、“解放”,:

- The prisoner was finally freed after 10 years in jail.

- The teacher freed the students from their boring lesson.

b. 表示“免除”、“解除”,:

- The company decided to free its employees from working on weekends.

- She was freed from her responsibilities as the team leader.


1. I have a free afternoon tomorrow, do you want to hang out?(我明天下午有空,你想一起出去吗?)

2. We offer free samples for our new product.(我们为我们的新产品提供免费样品。)

3. He is finally free from his controlling parents and can live his own life now.(他终于摆脱了父母的,可以过自己的生活了。)

4. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.(如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请随时与我们。)

5. The government promised to free the country from poverty within 10 years.(承诺在十年内让摆脱贫困。)


1. release:作动词时,表示“释放”、“解放”,与free的用法相似。

2. liberate:作动词时,也表示“解放”,但更强调从压迫或束缚中解放出来。

3. complimentary:作形容词时,表示“免费的”,通常用于商业场合。

4. leisure:作形容词时,表示“空闲的”,但更强调休闲或娱乐的时间。

5. exempt:作动词时,表示“免除”,通常用于法律文书或正式场合。




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