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1. deafen是指使聋的意思。:The loud music can deafen your ears.(大声的音乐会使你的耳朵聋掉。)

2. deafen是一个及物动词,读作/dɛfən/。它的过去式和过去分词形式都是deafened。

3. deafen可以用来描述声音过于强烈,导致听力受损或暂时失聪的情况。:The explosion deafened everyone in the room.(爆炸声让房间里每个人都变得聋了。)

4. 除了用来描述人类的听力受损,deafen也可以用来形容动物或机器因为噪音而听不见其他声音。:The engine noise deafened the poor dog.(发动机的噪音让那只可怜的狗听不见其他声音。)

5. 在日常生活中,我们也可以使用deafen来比喻某种情况或让人感到震惊、无法接受或无法忍受。:The news of her sudden death deafened us all.(她突然去世的消息让我们所有人都难以接受。)


1. “deafen”这个单词有两个重音,分别在第二个和第三个音节,读作/dɛfən/。

2. 音标中的“ɛ”是一个元音音素,发音类似于英语中的“e”,但是舌位较低,嘴唇不要收得太紧。

3. “f”和“v”在英语中属于同一发音点,都是唇齿音。所以在发音时要注意唇齿间的接触。

4. 最后一个音素“n”是一个鼻音,发音时要把舌头放在上颚后部,空气从鼻腔通过。


1. The construction noise deafened the residents in the neighborhood.(施工噪音让附近居民感到耳朵聋了。)

2. The loud thunder deafened my ears for a few seconds.(巨大的雷声让我的耳朵暂时失聪了几秒钟。)

3. The constant honking of cars deafened the city streets during rush hour.(高峰期间汽车不断的鸣笛声让城市街道变得嘈杂。)

4. She was so shocked by the news that it deafened her ability to speak for a moment.(她被这个消息震惊到一时无法开口。)

5. The loud music from the party next door was deafening, I couldn't even hear myself think!(隔壁聚会的音乐太吵了,我甚至都听不见自己在想什么!)


1. deafeningly (adv.) 嘈杂地,震耳欲聋地

2. deafness (n.) 聋,失聪

3. deaf (adj.) 聋的,听不见的

4. deaf-mute (n.) 聋哑人

5. deafen someone's ears (phrase) 让某人耳朵聋掉


1. The loud noise from the construction site can deafen your ears if you don't wear earplugs.(如果你不戴耳塞,来自施工现场的噪音会让你耳朵聋掉。)

2. The teacher's constant yelling deafened the students' ability to concentrate on their work.(老师不断大声喊叫让学生无法集中精力做作业。)

3. The explosion was so loud that it deafened everyone in the room for a few seconds.(爆炸声太大了,导致房间里每个人都暂时失聪了几秒钟。)

4. She was born with a hearing disability and has been living as a deaf-mute her whole life.(她天生听力有障碍,一生都是一个聋哑人。)

5. The loud music at the concert was deafening, but it was still an amazing experience.(音乐会上的音乐声震耳欲聋,但仍然是一次非常棒的体验。)



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