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for the record是什么意思


怎么读(音标):[fɔr ðə ˈrekɔrd]

for the record是什么意思


例句1:For the record, I did not steal your pen.(我声明一下,我没有偷你的笔。)

例句2:I just want to clarify, for the record, that I was not involved in the decision-making process.(我想澄清一下,作为记录,我并没有参与决策过程。)

例句3:For the record, this is the third time you have been late this week.(作为记录,这是本周你第三次迟到了。)

例句4:I want to set the record straight and say that I did not say those things about you.(我想澄清一下,我并没有说过关于你的那些话。)

例句5:Just for the record, I think we should all take a break and come back to this discussion later.(只是为了记录,我认为我们应该休息一下,稍后再继续讨论。)


1. As a matter of fact: 事实上

2. To be clear: 明确地说

3. Let me make it clear: 让我明确一下

4. Just to clarify: 只是为了澄清

5. To set things straight: 澄清事实


for the record是一个常用的短语,用于强调下文所述内容的真实性或重要性。它可以用来澄清误解、表明立场或记录重要信息。在口语和书面英语中都很常见,使用频率较高。为了避免重复使用,可以尝试使用同义词来替换。同时,注意正确使用时态和语气,避免产生歧义。


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