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1.conference是指一种或讨论会,通常由专家、学者或业内人士参加,旨在讨论某一特定主题并交换意见和想法。:The conference on climate change attracted a lot of attention from scientists and policymakers.(气候变化吸引了来自科学家和制定者的关注。)


3.1)The conference was held in a large convention center.(这次在一个大型中心举行。)

2)The conference aims to promote international cooperation in the field of education.(这次旨在促进教育领域的国际合作。)

3)The delegates at the conference discussed various solutions to the problem.(与会们讨论了解决问题的各种方案。)

4)During the conference, there will be keynote speeches by renowned experts in the field.(在,将有知名专家就该领域发表主旨演讲。)

5)After the conference, participants can attend workshops and networking events.(结束后,参与者可以参加研讨会和社交活动。)

4.conference可以和其他词汇组合成多种短语和习语,如:press conference(新闻发布会),conference call(),conference room(室),conference proceedings(记录),conference paper(论文)等。

5.conference的中文意思是“”,它可以用来指任何类型的,包括学术、商务、等。它也可以用作动词,表示参加或召开的行为。:We will conference with our colleagues to discuss the project.(我们将与同事开会讨论这个项目。)



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