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1. crowd是指一群人或者动物聚集在一起的意思。:The crowd cheered as the parade passed by.(当队伍经过时,人群欢呼雀跃。)

2. 读音为/krɑːd/。

3. 用例:

(1)The concert attracted a large crowd of fans.(音乐会吸引了大量的粉丝。)

(2)The crowded market was filled with vendors and shoppers.(拥挤的市场里挤满了卖家和购物者。)

(3)The police had to control the unruly crowd at the protest.(不得不活动中的混乱人群。)

(4)The crowded train made it difficult for us to find seats.(拥挤的火车让我们很难找到座位。)

(5)She felt overwhelmed by the large crowd at the party.(她觉得派对上人太多,有点不知所措。)

4. 组词:

crowded (adj.) 拥挤的

crowding (n.) 挤满

crowdsource (v.) 众包

crowdedness (n.) 拥挤程度

overcrowd (v.) 过度拥挤

5. 中英文对照:

crowd - 一群人/动物,聚集在一起

cheer - 欢呼雀跃

parade - 队伍

attract - 吸引

large - 大量的

fan - 粉丝

crowded - 拥挤的

market - 市场

vendor - 卖家

shopper - 购物者

police -

control -

unruly - 混乱的

protest - 活动

train - 火车

difficult - 困难的

overwhelmed - 不知所措的

party - 派对

crowdedness- 拥挤程度

overcrowd- 过度拥挤



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