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female circumcision是什么意思

female circumcision是指女性割礼,也被称为女性生殖器切除术。它是一种针对女性生殖器的手术,通常在青春期或成年后进行。这一做法在一些文化和群体中被认为是传统习俗,但也受到了广泛的批评和反对。


female circumcision [fiːmeɪl səˈkʌm.sɪʒən]


female circumcision通常用作一个整体的术语来描述针对女性生殖器的各种手术。它可以包括部分或全部切除阴蒂、阴唇、阴茎带等部位。这种做法在某些文化和中被认为是一种仪式,但也有人将其视为一种行为。

female circumcision是什么意思


1. Female circumcision is a controversial practice that has been widely criticized by human rights groups. (女性割礼是一项备受争议的做法,遭到了人权组织的广泛批评。)

2. Many women who have undergone female circumcision suffer from long-term physical and psychological consequences. (许多接受过女性割礼的妇女都遭受长期的身心后果。)

3. In some cultures, female circumcision is seen as a rite of passage into womanhood. (在某些文化中,女性割礼被视为进入成年女性的仪式。)

4. The United Nations has called for a global ban on female circumcision, stating that it is a violation of human rights. (联合国呼吁全球女性割礼,称其违反人权。)

5. There are ongoing efforts to educate communities about the harmful effects of female circumcision and to promote alternative rites of passage for girls. (目前正在努力向社区宣传女性割礼的有害影响,并推广针对女孩的替代仪式。)


female genital mutilation (FGM)是female circumcision的同义词,也指女性生殖器切除术。此外,还有其他术语如female genital cutting、female genital alteration等也可以用来描述类似的手术。


female circumcision是指针对女性生殖器的手术,通常在青春期或成年后进行。这一做法在一些文化和群体中被认为是传统习俗,但也受到了广泛的批评和反对。联合国已经呼吁全球女性割礼,并推广替代仪式来取代这一做法。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们应该客观地介绍female circumcision的含义,并提倡尊重女性权利和身体自主的观念。


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