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1. The location of the new supermarket is very convenient for me, as it's just a short walk from my house.(新超市的位置对我来说非常方便,因为离我家只有几步路。)

2. The online booking system is so convenient, I can easily make reservations for my trip without having to leave my house.(网上预订非常方便,我可以轻松地为我的旅行做出预订,而不必离开家。)

3. The convenience of having a car is undeniable, as it allows you to travel anywhere at any time without relying on public transportation.(拥有一辆汽车的方便性是不可否认的,因为它允许你随时随地旅行,而不必依赖公共交通工具。)

4. This microwave oven is very convenient for busy people, as it can cook food in just a few minutes.(这个微波炉对于忙碌的人来说非常方便,因为它可以在几分钟内烹饪食物。)

5. It's not very convenient to have the meeting at 8am, as many people have to rush through traffic to get there on time.(早上8点开会并不是很方便,因为很多人都要冒着交通堵塞的风险赶到那里准时参加。)




1. The convenience of online shopping has changed the way people shop for goods.(网购的便利性改变了人们购物的方式。)

2. It's not very convenient to have a meeting during lunchtime, as many employees have to rush through their meals.(在午餐时间开会并不太方便,因为很多员工都要匆忙吃完饭。)

3. The hotel's location is very convenient for tourists, as it is close to all the major attractions.(这家酒店的位置对游客来说非常方便,因为它靠近所有主要景点。)

4. I find it more convenient to use public transportation than to drive in the city.(我乘坐公共交通比在城市开车更方便。)

5. The convenience of having a personal assistant allows me to focus on other important tasks.(拥有私人助理的便利性让我可以专注于其他重要任务。)


1. convenient store(便利店)

2. convenient location(方便的位置)

3. convenient time(方便的时间)

4. convenient transportation(便捷的交通)

5. convenient service(便利的服务)


1. convenient是形容词,意思是方便的,便利的。It is an adjective that means easy to use and helpful.

2. The location of the new supermarket is very convenient for me, as it's just a short walk from my house.新超市的位置对我来说非常方便,因为离我家只有几步路。

3. The online booking system is so convenient, I can easily make reservations for my trip without having to leave my house.网上预订非常方便,我可以轻松地为我的旅行做出预订,而不必离开家。

4. This microwave oven is very convenient for busy people, as it can cook food in just a few minutes.这个微波炉对于忙碌的人来说非常方便,因为它可以在几分钟内烹饪食物。

5. It's not very convenient to have the meeting at 8am, as many people have to rush through traffic to get there on time.


6. 总的来说,convenient是一个描述事物或情况的形容词,意思是方便的、便利的。它可以用来形容各种不同的情况,如时间、地点、服务等。使用这个词可以表达某件事物或情况是否对我们来说方便,带有一定程度的主观性。同时,convenient也可以指代某些具有便利性的设施或服务,方便店、方便交通等。总的来说,convenient是一个常用且多功能的词汇,在日常生活中经常会被使用到。


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