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exchange rates是什么意思

一:exchange rates是什么意思的意思

exchange rates是指两种不同货币之间的兑换比率,也称为汇率。它决定了一种货币可以兑换多少另一种货币。

exchange rates是什么意思


[ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ reɪts]


exchange rates通常用于国际贸易、旅行和投资等领域。它们可以影响货币的购买力和经济发展。通常,一个的汇率会随着经济形势、稳定性和贸易活动等因素而变化。


1. The exchange rate between the US dollar and the euro has been fluctuating in recent months. (近几个月来,美元与欧元之间的汇率一直在波动。)

2. Many travelers check the exchange rates before going abroad to ensure they get a good deal on currency exchange. (许多旅行者出国前会查看汇率,以确保他们在货币兑换方面能得到优惠。)

3. The central bank announced a decrease in interest rates, causing a rise in the exchange rate of the national currency. (央行宣布降低利率,导致本国货币汇率上涨。)

4. The company's profits were affected by the sudden increase in exchange rates between the two countries. (两国之间汇率的突然增加影响了公司的利润。)

5. The government implemented measures to stabilize the exchange rate and boost the economy. (采取措施稳定汇率,促进经济增长。)


1. Currency exchange rate:货币兑换率

2. Foreign exchange rate:外汇汇率

3. Conversion rate:转换率

4. Monetary exchange rate:货币兑换率


exchange rates是指两种不同货币之间的兑换比率,它们对国际贸易、旅行和投资等领域有重要影响。了解和关注汇率的变化可以帮助我们做出更明智的决策,特别是在跨国交易和旅行中。同时,也会通过调整汇率来影响本国经济发展。因此,对于个人和企业来说,了解和掌握汇率知识是非常重要的。


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