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even though是什么意思

一:even though是什么意思的意思

even though是一个连词短语,用来表示两件事情之间的对比或者转折关系。它可以用来引出一个与前面所说内容相反的情况,也可以用来表达尽管如此,仍然发生了某件事情。

even though是什么意思


英 [ˌiːvn ˈðəʊ] 美 [ˌivn ˈðoʊ]


1. even though引导的从句常常放在主句之后,用逗号隔开。:“I went to the party, even though I didn't really want to go.”(尽管我并不想去,但我还是去了派对。)

2. even though也可以放在句首,此时主句和从句之间不需要逗号隔开。:“Even though it was raining, we still went for a walk.”(尽管下着雨,我们还是去散步了。)


1. Even though he was tired, he still finished the project on time.(尽管他很累,他还是按时完成了这个项目。)

2. She decided to go on the trip even though she didn't have much money.(尽管她没多少钱,她还是决定去旅行。)

3. Even though they had an argument, they are still good friends.(尽管他们吵过架,但他们还是很好的朋友。)

4. He passed the exam even though he didn't study much.(尽管他没怎么学习,但他还是通过了考试。)

5. Even though it was his first time cooking, the dinner turned out to be delicious.(尽管这是他第一次做饭,但晚餐还是很美味。)


1. although:和even though意思相同,但although更常用于正式场合。

2. despite:尽管,与even though的用法类似,但它通常放在名词或代词之后。

3. in spite of:和despite意思相同,但它更常用于口语中。

4. while:虽然,与even though意思相似,但while通常用来引出一个对比的情况。

5. notwithstanding:不管,与even though的用法类似,但notwithstanding更多用于书面语。


even though是一个表示对比或转折关系的连词短语,在句子中常常放在主句之后,并且需要用逗号隔开。它可以表达尽管如此、仍然发生了某件事情的含义。除了even though外,还有一些近义词可以替换使用,如although、despite、in spite of等。


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