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Essentiale Essentiale Forte是什么意思

【意思】Essentiale Essentiale Forte是一种药物,主要成分为磷脂和维生素B复合物,用于治疗肝功能不全和肝硬化等疾病。

Essentiale Essentiale Forte是什么意思

【怎么读】Essentiale Essentiale Forte的读音为 [əˌsenʃiˈæl ə əˌsenʃiˈæl ə ˈfɔrti]

【用法】Essentiale Essentiale Forte是一种口服药物,每日建议服用3次,每次2片。可以在饭前或饭后服用,但最好避免空腹服用。使用前请阅读药品说明书并按照医生的指导使用。


1. My doctor prescribed Essentiale Essentiale Forte for my liver disease.

(我的医生给我开了Essentiale Essentiale Forte治疗我的肝脏疾病。)

2. It is recommended to take two tablets of Essentiale Essentiale Forte three times a day.

(建议每天服用3次Essentiale Essentiale Forte,每次两片。)

3. I have been taking Essentiale Essentiale Forte for a month and my liver function has improved significantly.

(我已经服用了一个月的Essentiale Essentiale Forte,我的肝功能有了显著的改善。)

4. The main ingredients of Essentiale Essen


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