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electoral college是什么意思

一:electoral college是什么意思的意思:

electoral college是指由各州产生的和副候选人的团体,也被称为团。它是美国制度中的一个重要组成部分,旨在平衡各州之间的力量,确保每个州都有公平的权利。

electoral college是什么意思


[ɪˈlɛktərəl ˈkɒlɪdʒ]


electoral college通常作为一个专有名词出现,在正式场合中使用。它可以用来指代美国制度中的这一团体,也可以用来指代由各州选出的团体。


1. The electoral college is a unique feature of the American political system.


2. The electoral college consists of 538 electors, with each state having a certain number of electors based on its population.


3. In the presidential election, the winner is determined by the majority of votes in the electoral college, rather than the popular vote.


4. The electoral college has come under criticism for not accurately representing the popular vote and for potentially influencing election outcomes.


5. The electors in the electoral college are typically chosen by political parties and are expected to vote for their party's candidate.



1. Electors: 与electoral college中的“electors”一词相同,指代由各州选出的人员。

2. Electoral vote: 指由各州产生的和副候选人获得的票数。

3. Presidential elector: 指代参与过程中投票的各州。


electoral college是美国制度中一个重要的组成部分,它旨在平衡各州之间的力量,保证每个州都有公平的权利。它通过由各州选出的团体来决定和副候选人,而非直接通过普通民众投票。尽管它在美国中扮演着重要的角色,但也受到了一些批评,认为它可能影响结果并不准确普选民意。


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