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dull pain是什么意思

一:dull pain是指一种隐隐作痛的感觉,通常不会很剧烈,但持续时间较长,常常让人感到不舒服。

二:dull pain的读音为 /dʌl peɪn/。

三:用法方面,dull pain通常用作名词短语,表示一种身体上的不适感觉。它可以单独使用,也可以与其他形容词连用来描述疼痛的程度(如sharp dull pain、mild dull pain等)。在句子中通常作主语或宾语。

dull pain是什么意思


1. The patient complained of a dull pain in his lower back.(这位患者抱怨腰部有一种隐隐作痛的感觉。)

2. She has been experiencing a dull pain in her chest for weeks.(她已经几周来一直感觉胸部有一种隐隐作痛的感觉。)

3. The medicine can help relieve the dull pain in your joints.(这种药可以帮助缓解你关节处的隐隐作痛。)

4. He couldn't concentrate on his work because of the constant dull pain in his head.(因为头部持续不断的隐隐作痛,他无法集中精力工作。)

5. The doctor explained that the dull pain in her stomach was due to indigestion.(医生解释说她腹部的隐隐作痛是由消化不良引起的。)

五:同义词及用法方面,dull pain可以与ache、throbbing pain、persistent pain等表达类似的意思。如:

1. The dull ache in her leg wouldn't go away.(她腿部的隐隐作痛一直没有消失。)

2. The throbbing pain in his tooth was unbearable.(他牙齿的悸动疼痛让他无法忍受。)

3. He has been experiencing persistent pain in his shoulder for months.(几个月来,他一直感觉肩膀有持续性的疼痛。)

六:编辑总结:dull pain是指一种持续时间较长、不太剧烈但让人感到不舒服的身体不适感觉,通常用作名词短语,在句子中可以作主语或宾语。它可以与其他形容词连用来描述疼痛的程度,也可以与同义词替换使用。在撰写文章时,建议使用多样化的表达方式来避免重复使用该词汇。


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