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1. compromise是指在两个或多个不同意见或利益之间达成妥协,双方或多方都做出一定的让步,以求达成共同的目标或解决问题。:The two sides finally reached a compromise after hours of negotiation.(经过数小时的谈判,双方最终达成了妥协。)

2. compromise的用法:作为动词,compromise可用于及物和不及物结构,意为“妥协”、“折衷”、“迁就”。作为名词,compromise则表示“妥协”、“折衷”的意思。:We cannot compromise on this issue.(我们在这个问题上不能妥协。)

3. 例句1:Both sides had to make compromises in order to reach a peaceful resolution.(为了达成和平解决方案,双方都不得不做出让步。)

例句2:They were able to find a compromise that satisfied both parties.(他们成功找到了一个让双方都满意的折衷方案。)

例句3:The compromise between the two countries brought an end to the long-standing conflict.(这两个之间的妥协结束了长期存在的。)

例句4:In any relationship, there needs to be a certain level of compromise in order for it to work.(任何一段关系中,都需要一定程度的妥协才能让它持续下去。)

例句5:The compromise reached by the government and the opposition party was seen as a step towards peace.(和反对党达成的妥协被视为迈向和平的一步。)

4. compromise的相关词汇:compromiser(妥协者)、compromising(妥协的)、uncompromising(不妥协的)

5. compromise是什么意思,compromise的用法及例句中英文对照:

1,compromise是指在两个或多个不同意见或利益之间达成妥协,双方或多方都做出一定的让步,以求达成共同的目标或解决问题。:The two sides finally reached a compromise after hours of negotiation.(经过数小时的谈判,双方最终达成了妥协。)

1, compromise refers to reaching a compromise between two or more different opinions or interests, where both or multiple parties make certain concessions in order to achieve a common goal or solve a problem. For example: The two sides finally reached a compromise after hours of negotiation.

2. 作为动词,compromise可用于及物和不及物结构,意为“妥协”、“折衷”、“迁就”。作为名词,compromise则表示“妥协”、“折衷”的意思。:We cannot compromise on this issue.(我们在这个问题上不能妥协。)

2. As a verb, compromise can be used in both transitive and intransitive structures, meaning "to compromise", "to make concessions", "to accommodate". As a noun, compromise means "compromise" or "compromise". For example: We cannot compromise on this issue.

3. 例句1:Both sides had to make compromises in order to reach a peaceful resolution.(为了达成和平解决方案,双方都不得不做出让步。)

3. Example 1: Both sides had to make compromises in order to reach a peaceful resolution.

4. In any relationship, there needs to be a certain level of compromise in order for it to work.(任何一段关系中,都需要一定程度的妥协才能让它持续下去。)

4. In any relationship, there needs to be a certain level of compromise in order for it to work.

5. The compromise reached by the government and the opposition party was seen as a step towards peace.(和反对党达成的妥协被视为迈向和平的一步。)

5. The compromise reached by the government and the opposition party was seen as a step towards peace.



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