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drive away是什么意思


drive away是一个动词短语,意思是驱赶走,使离开,通常用来描述把某人或某物从某个地方赶走或远离的行为。

读音:[draɪv əˈweɪ]

用法:drive away通常用作及物动词,后接宾语。也可用作不及物动词,表示自己离开某个地方。

drive away是什么意思


1. The loud noise from the construction site drove away all the birds in the area.


2. The smell of the garbage drove away customers from the restaurant.


3. The police used tear gas to drive away the protesters.


4. She couldn't wait to drive away from her hometown and start a new life in the city.


5. The dark clouds finally drove away and the sun came out.



1. Disperse:意为“分散”,强调将人群或事物分散到不同的地方。

例句:The police used water cannons to disperse the crowd.(使用水炮把人群驱散。)

2. Expel:意为“驱逐”,强调将某人或某物从原来所在的地方赶走。

例句:The principal expelled the troublemaker from school.(校长把捣蛋鬼开除出了学校。)

3. Banish:意为“放逐”,强调将某人或某物从或地区驱逐出去。

例句:The dictator banished all political opponents from the country.(者把所有的都放逐出了。)

4. Chase away:意为“追赶走”,强调用追赶的方式使某人或某物离开。

例句:The farmer used a stick to chase away the crows from his crops.(农民用棍子赶走了损坏他庄稼的乌鸦。)


drive away是一个常用的动词短语,表示驱赶走、使离开。它可以用来描述各种不同场景下的驱散行为,也可以作为自己离开某个地方的动作。在使用时,可以根据具体情况选择同义词来替换,以丰富表达方式。


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