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dramatic irony是什么意思

意思:dramatic irony是一种修辞手法,指的是在戏剧或文学作品中,角色所表现出来的情况与观众或读者所知道的情况相反,从而产生出戏剧性的效果。

怎么读:[drəˈmætɪk ˈaɪrəni]

dramatic irony是什么意思

用法:dramatic irony通常用于文学作品、戏剧、电影等艺术形式中,用来增加情节的紧张感和悬念,让观众或读者更加投入故事情节中。

例句1:In Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet", the audience knows that Juliet is not actually dead, but Romeo, who is unaware of this, commits out of grief. This is an example of dramatic irony.

在莎士比亚的戏剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中,观众知道朱丽叶并没有真正死去,但不知情的罗密欧却因为悲伤而。这就是一个dramatic irony的例子。

例句2:In the movie "The Sixth Sense", the audience discovers that the character played by Bruce Willis has been dead all along, while the other characters in the movie remain unaware of this fact. This creates a sense of dramatic irony for the viewers.

在电影《第六感》中,观众布鲁斯·威利斯饰演的角色一直都是死了的,而其他角色却对此一无所知。这给观众带来了一种dramatic irony的感觉。

例句3:In the novel "Pride and Prejudice", the reader knows that Mr. Darcy is in love with Elizabeth, but she remains unaware of his feelings. This creates a sense of dramatic irony as the readers root for their eventual union.

在小说《傲慢与偏见》中,读者知道达西先生爱上了伊丽莎白,但她却对此毫无察觉。这给读者带来了一种dramatic irony的感觉,因为他们期待两人最终能在一起。

例句4:In the play "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles, Oedipus unknowingly kills his own father, fulfilling a prophecy that he had tried to avoid. The audience knows this fact, creating a sense of dramatic irony as they watch Oedipus struggle to uncover the truth.

在索福克勒斯的戏剧《俄狄浦斯王》中,俄狄浦斯不知情地杀死了自己的父亲,实现了他曾试图避免的预言。观众知道这个事实,因此当他们看着俄狄浦斯努力揭开时,就会产生一种dramatic irony的感觉。

例句5:In the TV series "Game of Thrones", the audience knows that Jon Snow is actually the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, while the characters in the show remain unaware of this fact. This creates a sense of dramatic irony as the viewers watch Jon's journey to discover his true identity.

在电视剧《权力的游戏》中,观众知道琼恩·雪诺实际上是莱安娜·史塔克和雷加·坦格利安的儿子,而剧中的角色却对此一无所知。这给观众带来了一种dramatic irony的感觉,因为他们看着琼恩探寻自己真实身份的旅程。

同义词及用法:dramatic irony可以与其他修辞手法如situational irony(情景反讽)、verbal irony(言语反讽)等互为同义词使用。也可以用类似的表达来描述,比如unexpected twist(意料之外的转折)、ironic twist(讽刺性的转折)等。

编辑总结:dramatic irony是一种常用于文学作品和戏剧中的修辞手法,通过角色所表现出来的情况与观众或读者所知道的情况相反,营造出戏剧性和悬疑感。它可以帮助增加故事的吸引力和深度,让观众或读者更加投入故事情节中。同时,它也可以与其他修辞手法互为同义词使用,如situational irony和verbal irony。


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