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1. 指代一本收录了单词及其释义、用法、发音等信息的书籍。:

- I always keep a dict by my side when I'm reading in a foreign language. (当我阅读外语时,我总是把一本字典放在身边。)

- The online dict has become an essential tool for language learners. (在线字典已经成为语言学习者必备的工具。)

2. 在计算机领域中,指代一种数据结构,用于存储键-值对。:

- Python's dict is a useful data structure for storing and accessing key-value pairs. (Python中的字典是一种有用的数据结构,可用于存储和访问键-值对。)

- The dict function in JavaScript allows you to create an object with key-value pairs. (JavaScript中的dict函数允许你创建一个带有键-值对的对象。)

3. 可以作为缩写,指代“dictionary”(字典)。:

- I couldn't find the word in my dict, so I had to look it up online. (我在字典里找不到这个词,所以只能上网查了。)

- The new edition of the dict includes updated definitions and examples. (新版字典包含了更新的释义和例句。)


1. Can you pass me the dict? I need to look up the meaning of this word.


2. The English-Chinese dict is very helpful for me when I'm studying English.


3. The dict function in Python allows you to easily access values based on their corresponding keys.


4. She always carries a small dict in her bag, just in case she needs to check a word.


5. You can use the online dict to translate words from English to Spanish.



1. dictionary:和dict一样,指代收录了单词及其释义、用法、发音等信息的书籍。它也可以作为缩写,指代“dict”。:

- I couldn't find the word in my dictionary, so I had to look it up online. (我在字典里找不到这个词,所以只能上网查了。)

- The new edition of the dictionary includes updated definitions and examples. (新版字典包含了更新的释义和例句。)

2. lexicon:指代一种特定语言中的所有单词及其意义。它也可以指代一本专门收录某种语言单词及其释义的书籍。:

- The English lexicon contains over 170,000 words. (英语词汇量超过17万个。)

- My Spanish lexicon is very helpful for me when I'm studying Spanish. (我的西班牙语词典对我学习西班牙语很有帮助。)

3. glossary:指代一本专门收录术语及其解释的书籍,通常用于特定领域或主题。:

- The glossary at the end of the book provides definitions for all the scientific terms used in the text. (书末的术语表为文中使用的所有科学术语提供了定义。)

- The glossary of legal terms is very useful for law students. (法律术语表对法学生非常有用。)




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