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delivery term是什么意思

一:delivery term是什么意思的意思

delivery term是什么意思

delivery term是指在商业合同或交易中确定的交货条件。它规定了买卖双方对于货物交付的具体要求,包括时间、地点、方式等。


/dɪˈlɪvəri tɜːrm/


在商业合同或交易中,双方需要明确约定交货条件,以确保货物能够按时、按要求地到达买方手中。这就是delivery term的作用。它通常会被写入合同条款中,作为双方共同遵守的规定。


1. The delivery term for this order is FOB Shanghai, which means the seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the port of Shanghai. (此订单的交货条件为上海离岸价,意味着卖方负责将货物运送至上海港口。)

2. The delivery term of this contract is CIF New York, which means the seller is responsible for delivering and paying for the freight to New York. (本合同的交货条件为纽约成本加运费价,意味着卖方负责将货物运送并支付运费至纽约。)

3. We have agreed on a delivery term of DAP London, which means the seller is responsible for delivering the goods to an agreed location in London. (我们已经就DAP伦敦的交货条件达成一致,意味着卖方负责将货物运送至伦敦的一个约定地点。)

4. The delivery term for this shipment is EXW, which means the buyer is responsible for arranging and paying for the transportation of the goods from the seller's premises. (此批货物的交货条件为工厂交货价,意味着买方负责安排并支付从卖方工厂运送货物的费用。)

5. Please make sure to check the delivery term before signing the contract, as it will determine the responsibility and cost of delivering the goods. (请务必在签署合同前确认交货条件,因为它将决定运送货物的责任和费用。)


1. Shipping term: 运输条件,指商业合同中确定的有关运输和交付货物的规定。

2. Incoterms: 国际贸易术语解释通则,是一套国际商业术语标准,规定了买卖双方在国际贸易中对于运输、保险、海关手续等事项的责任和义务。

3. Trade terms: 贸易条款,也是指商业合同中关于货物交付、付款等方面的约定。

4. Delivery condition: 交货条件,与delivery term含义相近,也是指商业合同中确定的有关交付货物的具体规定。

5. Shipment clause: 装运条款,是指商业合同中关于货物运输和交付的具体条款。


delivery term是商业合同中约定的交货条件,它规定了买卖双方对于货物交付的具体要求。在国际贸易中,常用的delivery term有FOB、CIF、DAP等。在签署合同前,双方应该仔细确认交货条件,以避免不必要的纠纷。同时,也可以根据具体情况选择适合的delivery term来降低运输成本和风险。


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