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couple with是什麼意思

一:couple with是什麼意思的意思

Couple with是一个英语短语,主要有两种含义。第一种含义是“与……相配合”,指两者或多者相互搭配、协作或结合在一起。第二种含义是“和……一起”,指与某人或某物同伴、同行或同处。


Couple with的发音为/ˈkʌpl wɪθ/,其中couple读作/kʌpl/,with读作/wɪθ/。

couple with是什麼意思


1. Couple with + 名词

此时,couple with作为动词短语,后接名词作宾语。表示两者或多者之间的搭配、协作或结合关系。

- The new technology is coupled with advanced software to improve efficiency.


- The company's success is coupled with its strong marketing strategies.


2. Couple with + 动词-ing

此时,couple with作为介词短语,后接动词-ing形式作宾语。表示某人与某事物同时发生或同时进行。

- The rise in interest rates was coupled with a decrease in consumer spending.


- The new policy is coupled with stricter regulations on environmental protection.


3. Couple with + that从句

此时,couple with作为连词短语,后接that从句作宾语。表示某事物与另一事物有密切或相互影响。

- The increase in demand is coupled with the fact that production costs have also risen.


- The company's success is coupled with the belief that hard work pays off.



1. The new product is coupled with a user-friendly interface, making it easy for customers to navigate.


2. The government's economic policies are coupled with measures to reduce inflation and stabilize the market.


3. The company's success is closely coupled with its employees' dedication and hard work.


4. The decrease in sales is coupled with a decline in consumer confidence due to the pandemic.


5. The new regulations are coupled with stricter penalties for companies that violate environmental laws.



1. Combine with

含义与couple with相似,都是指两者或多者相互结合或配合。

- The new technology is combined with advanced software to improve efficiency.


- The company's success is combined with its strong marketing strategies.


2. Team up with


- The two companies have teamed up to develop a new product.


- We should team up with other organizations to raise awareness about climate change.


3. Match with


- The color of the curtains matches perfectly with the furniture in the room.


- This dress doesn't match well with the shoes I'm wearing.



Couple with是一个常用的英语短语,主要有两种含义。第一种含义是“与……相配合”,指两者或多者相互搭配、协作或结合在一起;第二种含义是“和……一起”,指与某人或某物同伴、同行或同处。它可以作为动词、介词或连词使用,常用于商务、科技和日常生活场景中。同时,它也有一些近义词如combine with、team up with和match with,可以根据具体语境选择使用。


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