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1. contrast是对比的意思,指两个或多个事物之间的差异或相反。在写作中,contrast通常用来强调两个事物之间的差异,使文章更加生动有趣。,“尽管他们来自不同的,但他们的文化背景有着明显的contrast。”

2. contrast的读音为[kənˈtræst],第一个音节发生轻微重音,最后一个音节发生重音。正确使用contrast时,要注意读音和重音的位置。

3. 对于contrast的用例,我们可以从以下几个方面来考虑:

例句1:The contrast between the rich and the poor is becoming more and more obvious in our society.

例句2:The contrast of colors in this painting creates a strong visual impact.

例句3:The contrast between his words and actions made me doubt his sincerity.

例句4:In order to make a good presentation, you need to use contrast to highlight the key points.

例句5:The novel is full of contrasts, portraying both love and hate, beauty and ugliness.

4. 在使用contrast时,可以结合其他词语来组成短语或者习语。:

- by contrast 意为“相比之下”,用来强调与之前提到的事物相比较。

- in contrast 意为“与此相反”,用来表示对比中两者之间存在着明显差异。

- sharp contrast 意为“鲜明对比”,用来强调差异极大。

- contrast with 意为“与...形成对比”,用来描述两者之间的差异。

- striking contrast 意为“明显的对比”,用来强调差异明显。

5. 对照中英文对照:


Contrast is the meaning of comparison, which refers to the difference or opposite between two or more things. In writing, contrast is often used to emphasize the difference between two things, making the article more vivid and interesting. For example, "Despite coming from different countries, their cultural backgrounds have a clear contrast."

Contrast is pronounced as [kənˈtræst], with a slight stress on the first syllable and a strong stress on the last syllable. When using contrast correctly, pay attention to the pronunciation and stress.

As for the usage of contrast, we can consider it from the following aspects:

Example 1: The contrast between the rich and the poor is becoming more and more obvious in our society.

Example 2: The contrast of colors in this painting creates a strong visual impact.

Example 3: The contrast between his words and actions made me doubt his sincerity.

Example 4: In order to make a good presentation, you need to use contrast to highlight key points.

Example 5: The novel is full of contrasts, portraying both love and hate, beauty and ugliness.

When using contrast, it can be combined with other words to form phrases or idioms. For example:

- By contrast means "in comparison", used to emphasize compared with what was previously mentioned.

- In contrast means "on the contrary", indicating a clear difference between two things.

- Sharp contrast means "strongly contrasting", emphasizing a great difference.

- Contrast with means "form a contrast with", describing the difference between two things.

- Striking contrast means "obvious contrast", emphasizing a clear difference.

In summary, contrast is an important tool in writing to create vivid descriptions and emphasize differences between things. Remember to use it correctly and creatively in your writing to make it more engaging.


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