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contract killer是什么意思

一:contract killer是一种职业,指的是受雇于他人,以暗杀、谋杀等手段完成任务的人。也可以指代这样的人员。

contract killer是什么意思

二:[ˈkɑːntrækt ˈkɪlər]

三:用法:作为一个名词使用,可单数可复数。常见搭配有hire a contract killer(雇佣一个职业杀手)、be a contract killer(成为一名职业杀手)等。


1. The police are still searching for the contract killer who was hired to murder the businessman. 仍在寻找那名被雇来谋杀商人的职业杀手。

2. She was sentenced to life in prison for her role as a contract killer in several high-profile murders. 她因参与多起著名谋杀案件被判处,她曾担任过职业杀手。

3. The movie tells the story of a former contract killer who is forced back into the business when his family is threatened. 这部电影讲述了一位前职业杀手因家庭受到威胁而被迫重返这个行业的故事。

4. The police have arrested a suspected contract killer who is believed to be responsible for at least five murders in the past year. 逮捕了一名疑似职业杀手,据信他在过去一年中至少负责了五起谋杀案。

5. The contract killer was paid a large sum of money to eliminate the key witness in the trial. 那名职业杀手被付了一大笔钱,以消灭审判中的关键证人。


六:编辑总结:contract killer是一种受雇于他人,以暗杀、谋杀等手段完成任务的人。作为一个名词使用,常见搭配有hire a contract killer、be a contract killer等。同义词包括hitman、assassin和gunman等。在使用时需注意区分不同的语境,避免混淆。


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