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community s responsibility是什么意思

一:community s responsibility是什么意思的意思

Community s responsibility指的是社区的责任或义务,指社区成员应当承担的责任和义务,包括但不限于维护社区秩序、保障社区安全、促进社区发展等方面。

community s responsibility是什么意思


[kəˈmjuːnətiz rɪsˌpɒnsəˈbɪlɪti]


Community s responsibility可以作为主语、宾语或定语使用,常见搭配有take on/assume/bear community s responsibility (承担社区责任)、community s responsibility to (对...负有责任)等。


1. It is every member's community s responsibility to keep the neighborhood clean and tidy. (每个成员都有责任保持社区的清洁整洁。)

2. As a resident of this community, I feel a strong sense of community s responsibility to contribute to its development. (作为这个社区的居民,我感到强烈的责任感来为其发展做出贡献。)

3. The local government should also take on its community s responsibility and provide necessary support for the underprivileged in the area. (地方也应该承担起其社区责任,为该地区的弱势群体提供必要的支持。)

4. It is important for everyone to understand their community s responsibility and actively participate in community activities. (每个人都应该理解自己的社区责任,积极参与社区活动。)

5. The success of a community relies on the collective efforts of its members and their sense of community s responsibility. (一个社区的成功取决于其成员的集体努力和他们对社区责任的意识。)


1. Community duty:指居民对社区所应承担的义务,与community s responsibility意思相近。

2. Civic responsibility:指公民对社会和所应承担的责任和义务,与community s responsibility涵义相似。

3. Community obligation:指社区成员应当遵守的义务和责任,强调个人在社区中所承担的义务。

4. Neighborhood responsibility:指邻里之间互相帮助、共同维护社区秩序等方面的责任,与community s responsibility有重叠之处。


Community s responsibility是指社区成员应当承担的责任和义务,包括但不限于维护社区秩序、保障社区安全、促进社区发展等方面。它是一个重要的概念,在现代社会中具有重要意义。通过理解并履行自己的community s responsibility,可以促进良好的邻里关系、提升社区发展水平,从而构建和谐社会。


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