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1.charity是指慈善、慈善事业或慈善团体,是指为了帮助需要帮助的人或组织而进行的捐赠、救助、援助等行为。:She has devoted her whole life to charity work.(她将自己的一生都献给了慈善事业。)

2.charity的用法和例句读音读法:[ˈtʃærəti],可以简单地记忆为“恰然是”的发音。:The charity event was a huge success.(这次慈善活动取得了巨大的成功。)


(1) They donated all the profits to charity.(他们把所有利润都捐给了慈善。)

(2) The organization is dedicated to promoting education for children in need.(该组织致力于为有需要的儿童提供教育。)

(3) She received a lot of help from various charities when she was struggling with poverty.(她在贫困时期得到了许多不同慈善的帮助。)

(4) He is known for his generosity and his support for various charities.(他因其慷慨和对不同慈善的支持而闻名。)

(5) The charity event raised over 100,000 dollars for cancer research.(这次慈善活动为癌症研究筹集了超过10万美元的资金。)


- charity event(慈善活动)

- charity organization(慈善)

- charity work(慈善工作)

- charity donation(慈善捐赠)

- charity fundraiser(慈善筹款活动)


charity 慈善

use for helping people or organizations in need 用于帮助有需要的人或组织

She has devoted her whole life to charity work. 她将自己的一生都献给了慈善事业。

[ˈtʃærəti] [ˈtʃærəti]

The charity event was a huge success. 这次慈善活动取得了巨大的成功。



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