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1. circle什么意思中文?的解释:


2. circle什么意思中文?读音读法:


3. circle什么意思中文?的用例:

- The children sat in a circle and sang songs.


- She drew a perfect circle on the paper.


- The Earth orbits around the sun in a circular path.


- He circled the block three times before finding a parking spot.


- The dancers moved in circles, following the rhythm of the music.


4. circle什么意思中文?组词:

- semicircle (半圆)

- circle of friends (朋友圈)

- circle time (集体活动时间)

- circulate (循环、传播)

- circular (圆形的、循环的)

5. circle什么意思中文?的中英文对照:

circle - 圆圈、环形物、圈子

读音:/sɜːkl/ [ˈsɜːkl]


1. The children sat in a circle and sang songs.


2. She drew a perfect circle on the paper.


3. The Earth orbits around the sun in a circular path.


4. He circled the block three times before finding a parking spot.


5. The dancers moved in circles, following the rhythm of the music.




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