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1. Colorful是指色彩缤纷的,五颜六色的。形容物品或场景颜色丰富多彩,给人以美好的视觉享受。

2. colorful是一个形容词,读音为/ˈkʌləfʊl/,音标为[kʌləf(ə)l]。

3. colorful的用例:

例句1:The flowers in the garden are so colorful that they attract many butterflies.

例句2:The sunset on the beach was so colorful that it took my breath away.

例句3:The paintings in the art gallery were all very colorful and vibrant.

例句4:Her outfit was very colorful and eye-catching, making her stand out in the crowd.

例句5:The city's annual parade is known for its colorful floats and costumes.

4. colorful的组词:

- colorfully (adv.) 多彩地,丰富地

- colorfulness (n.) 色彩缤纷,多姿多彩

- colorize (v.) 使染色,给...着色

- uncolorful (adj.) 单调无趣的,无色的

5. colorful在中文中可以翻译为"丰富多彩的"、"五颜六色的"等。:

- The festival was full of colorful activities and performances.(这个节日充满了各种各样的活动和表演。)

- The children's book was filled with colorful illustrations.(这本儿童书里有很多色彩缤纷的插图。)

6. 总结:colorful是一个形容词,指色彩丰富多彩的。它可以用来形容物品或场景,也可以用来形容人的服饰或个性。它的反义词为uncolorful,可以衍生出colorfully作为副词和colorfulness作为名词。在中文中,我们也可以用"五颜六色的"、"色彩缤纷的"等翻译这个词。


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