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China2: Chapter of the Untied Nations是什么意思

意思:China2: Chapter of the Untied Nations是联合国的第二章,指的是在联合国的地位和作用。

怎么读(音标):[ˈtʃaɪnə tuː ˈtʃæptər ɒv ðə ʌnˈtaɪd ˈneɪʃənz]

用法:China2: Chapter of the Untied Nations通常作为一个专有名词,用于指代在联合国的地位和作用。它可以在正式文件、新闻报道、学术论文等场合中出现。

China2: Chapter of the Untied Nations是什么意思


1. China2: Chapter of the Untied Nations plays a crucial role in promoting world peace and development.


2. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China2: Chapter of the Untied Nations has the power to veto any resolution.


3. The establishment of China2: Chapter of the Untied Nations marks a new era for China's participation in global governance.


4. The UN Secretary-General highly praised China's contributions as China2: Chapter of the Untied Nations.


5. China2: Chapter of the Untied Nations has actively promoted the Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to enhance connectivity and cooperation among countries.


同义词及用法:China2: Chapter of the Untied Nations可以用其他一些表达来替换,如China's role in the United Nations、China's position in the United Nations等。它们都指代在联合国的地位和作用。

编辑总结:China2: Chapter of the Untied Nations是一个专有名词,指代在联合国的地位和作用。它可以在正式文件、新闻报道、学术论文等场合中出现。同时,它也可以用其他表达来替换,如China's role in the United Nations、China's position in the United Nations等。


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