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Certainly not.是什麼意思


怎么读:[ˈsəːt(ə)nli nɒt]

用法:Certainly not.是一个固定搭配,表示强烈的否定。常用于回答问题或表达自己的观点。


1. A: Are you going to the party tonight?

Certainly not.是什麼意思

B: Certainly not. I have to study for my exam tomorrow.

2. A: Do you believe in gs?

B: Certainly not. I don't believe in supernatural beings.

3. A: Did you steal my pen?

B: Certainly not! I would never do such a thing.

4. A: Can I borrow your car?

B: Certainly not. It's not safe to lend my car to someone who just got their driver's license.

5. A: Do you think he will apologize?

B: Certainly not. He has never admitted his mistakes before.


1. Absolutely not.


例句:I will absolutely not tolerate any kind of discrimination in my company.

2. Definitely not.


例句:I definitely will not give up on my dream of becoming a doctor.

3. Of course not.


例句:Of course not, I would never betray my friends like that.

4. No way.


例句:No way am I going to eat that disgusting food again.


Certainly not是一种非常强烈的否定表达方式,常用于回答问题或表达自己的观点。它的同义词有absolutely not、definitely not、of course not和no way,但各自的语气略有不同。在使用时,需要根据具体情况选择最合适的表达方式。


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