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care about是什么意思

一:care about是什么意思的意思

care about是什么意思

care about的意思是关心,在乎,重视,介意。


care about的音标为/ker əˈbaʊt/。


“care about”是一个动词短语,通常用于表示对某人或某事物的情感关注或重视。它可以和不同的名词搭配使用,表示不同的含义。:

1. 关心某人:I really care about my friends.(我真的很关心我的朋友们。)

2. 重视某事物:The company cares a lot about customer satisfaction.(公司非常重视顾客满意度。)

3. 在乎某事物:She doesn't care about what other people think of her.(她不在乎别人对她的看法。)

4. 介意某事物:He doesn't care about the rules.(他不在乎规则。)


1. I don't care about fame or fortune, all I want is to be happy.(我不在乎名利,我只想要快乐。)

2. She cares deeply about the environment and works hard to protect it.(她非常关心环境,并努力保护它。)

3. He doesn't seem to care much about his appearance, but he's a kind and caring person on the inside.(他似乎并不在乎自己的外表,但内心却是一个善良关怀的人。)

4. It's important to care about the feelings of others and treat them with kindness.(关心他人的感受并用善良对待他们是很重要的。)

5. We should all care about the well-being of our planet and take action to protect it.(我们都应该关心地球的福祉,并采取行动来保护它。)


1. concern: 关心,担心,挂念。与care about类似,都表示对某人或某事物的情感关注,但concern更强调对某事物的担忧和挂念。

例句:She is concerned about her son's safety while he is traveling alone.(她担心儿子独自旅行时的安全。)

2. value: 重视,珍惜。与care about类似,都表示对某事物的重视和珍惜,但value更强调对某事物有价值性的认可。

例句:We should all value our health and take care of ourselves.(我们都应该重视健康并照顾好自己。)

3. mind: 介意,在乎。与care about类似,都表示对某事物有情感上的关注,但mind更强调个人主观意愿。

例句:I don't mind helping you with your project.(我不介意帮你完成项目。)


“care about”是一个常用的动词短语,表示关心,重视,介意等含义。它可以和不同的名词搭配使用,表示不同的含义。与其近义词相比,care about更侧重于情感上的关注和重视,而concern更强调担忧和挂念。在日常交流中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的表达方式来表达自己的情感关注。


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