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1. compete是指为了赢得胜利或获得某种奖励而与他人竞争的行为。它可以用作动词或名词,表示参与竞争或比赛。

2. compete的读音为/kəmˈpiːt/,读作[kuhm-PEET]。

3. 例句1:Our company is always looking for new ways to compete in the market.

例句2:The two athletes will compete against each other in the upcoming race.

例句3:In order to compete for the scholarship, students must have a high GPA.

例句4:The restaurant has to constantly improve its menu in order to compete with other restaurants in the area.

例句5:The team has been training hard all year to be able to compete at the national level.

4. compete的相关词汇有competition(n. 竞争),compe(n. 竞争者),competitive(adj. 竞争性的),competitiveness(n. 竞争力)等。

5. compete在中文中可以翻译为“竞争”,也可以用“比赛”、“对抗”的意思。:“我们公司一直在寻找新的方法来在市场上竞争。”

6. 总结:compete是指为了赢得胜利或获得某种奖励而与他人竞争的行为。它可以用作动词或名词,表示参与竞争或比赛。其相关词汇有competition、compe、competitive等。在中文中可以翻译为“竞争”、“比赛”、“对抗”的意思。


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