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Burton stars as Marcellus Gallio, the Roman centurian


Burton stars as Marcellus Gallio, the Roman centurian

Burton stars as Marcellus Gallio, the Roman centurian是一句英语,它的意思是“伯顿饰演罗马百夫长马塞勒斯·加利奥”。


Burton [ˈbɜːtən]

Marcellus [mɑː'seləs]

Gallio [ˈɡæliəʊ]

Roman [ˈrəʊmən]

centurian [senˈtjʊriən]




1. Burton stars as Marcellus Gallio, a Roman centurian who is tasked with overseeing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


2. In the film, Burton's portrayal of Marcellus Gallio offers a unique perspective on the events surrounding Jesus' crucifixion.


3. As Marcellus Gallio, Burton delivers a powerful performance that captures the inner turmoil of a man caught between duty and personal beliefs.


4. Burton's portrayal of Marcellus Gallio is both nuanced and compelling, making him one of the most memorable characters in the film.


5. The chemistry between Burton's Marcellus Gallio and Jean Simmons' Diana, adds depth to the story and brings an emotional element to their relationship.



1. Burton可以替换为actor、performer等,表示演员的意思。

2. Stars as可以替换为plays、portrays等,表示扮演的意思。

3. Marcellus Gallio可以替换为character、role等,表示角色的意思。

4. Roman可以替换为ancient Roman、Roman Empire等,表示古罗马的意思。

5. Centurian可以替换为centurion、captain等,表示百夫长的意思。




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