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breath的音标为 /brɛθ/。




1. She took a deep breath before jumping into the cold water.


2. The dog's breath smelled like rotten eggs.


3. The doctor asked the patient to take a deep breath and hold it for 10 seconds.



1. He took a deep breath and blew out the candles on his birthday cake.


2. The flowers gave off a sweet scent that she couldn't help but breathe in deeply.



1. She took a breath and continued her speech.


2. The orchestra paused to catch their breath before starting the final movement.



1. She could feel his warm breath on her neck as he whispered in her ear.


2. After running for 30 minutes, she was out of breath and had to s to rest.


3. The mountain air was so fresh that she couldn't help but take a deep breath and savor it.


4. He held his breath in anticipation as the results were announced.


5. The old man's breathing became shallow and irregular as he struggled to catch his breath.



1. Respiration:作为名词,指人或动物的呼吸过程,也可以用来表示气体的交换。:

- The doctor checked her respiration rate and it was normal.


- Plants perform respiration during the day and photosynthesis at night.


2. Exhale:作为动词,指呼气或排出气体。:

- She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.


- The smoker exhaled a cloud of smoke into the air.


3. Inhalation:作为名词,指吸入空气或其他气体。:

- The doctor instructed her to use an inhaler to help with her breathing.


- Inhalation of toxic fumes can be harmful to your health.


4. Sigh:作为动词,指叹息或深深地叹一口气。:

- She sighed in relief when she found out she had passed the exam.


- He sighed heavily and looked out the window, lost in thought.





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